Growing up in New Jersey, I supplemented my school art classes at the Princeton Art Association. While attending George School, a Quaker school in Newtown, Pennsylvania, I traveled by train to the Philadelphia College of Art Saturday classes and summer courses at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art. Coming to Massachusetts, I graduated with a degree in painting from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts (SMFA). I have also taken classes at Massachusetts College of Art, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth and the Art Institute of Boston.
For 10 years I worked as a freelance illustrator for clients such as Reebok, The Boston Globe, Doubleday Books, and many others. After my children were grown, in 1997 I once again took up fine art painting. Since then I have had numerous solo and 2-person shows and have become part of many private collections through my gallery affiliations with, among others, Newbury Fine Arts in Boston, and Alpers Fine Art in Andover, and the annual alumni sale at the SMFA.

My 20th anniversary was Wednesday and I planned to give my wife the print before we went out to dinner. I had my son distract her while I took down a picture that was hanging in our living room and hung the Innocence print in its place. Then, my son brought her downstairs to see it, and she was absolutely blown away!! She was teary and she couldn’t stop looking at it and she was hugging me and thanking me for doing such a beautiful thing for us. We appreciate your work so much; it is beautiful and speaks to our souls. ‘just wanted you to know. –PB, Exeter, NH
Just wanted to let you know I think the painting is spectacular. (Much better in person than by photograph!) I was sitting in the study yesterday when the weather cleared and sunlight streamed into the room. The effect on the painting was profound: the colors changed dramatically, and Buddha became, well, . . . luminous! The painting looks great in the space and I really don’t think we need to add any lighting. You are a master! –JR Weston, MA
Your Buddha paintings touch me, Virginia. There is magic around them. Not easy for me to describe, but maybe I could say, they seem as if they had ‘a soul’, in a way they seem so human and at the same time so holy and spiritual, in one way so transcendent, but also so alive… thank you very much for creating and posting them! –MD
I enjoyed your magnificent artwork at Kripalu. The images of Buddha are so exquisite and I wanted to write and tell you. I hope to visit Andover Chapel at Harvard Divinity School in Cambridge, to see your show there. Kind Regards. -SH
We have one of Viriginia’s paintings gracing our home and it’s one of the few things I would carry out if our house ever caught fire. –JM Lexington, MA
I seriously could not stop looking at the first painting of the Buddha that is under your photos section. What a gift you have! To be able to paint such brilliance! You have my respect & more! Never stop creating. –AC
Your works are beautiful. I am not a Buddhist, but one does not have to be in order to be taken in by your beautiful works. -SB
So great to see you last night. Loved seeing all your new pieces. We can’t stop thinking about Peace Within. I have to admit I sometimes feel guilty about having such an exquisite piece of art – Compassionate Spirit – tucked away in our yoga room where the whole world can’t see it. As I have more group gatherings in that room, more people will see it, though. And I know it is in there anchoring Divine Light no matter who is viewing it at the moment. Still, it seems a shame it doesn’t get more viewing time. Always I feel so honored to have it and to know you. –J&J Concord, MA
Your work has really touched me & I can hardly express how glad I am to have stumbled upon your web page. I have been collecting different images of Buddha for many, many years and was looking for some art work for our new home. I would dearly love to own one of your canvas or paper prints. –DO
I have received my lovely Buddha! I love, love, love it! Unfortunately it has to travel to work with me instead of staying in my home. Thank you Virginia for your beautiful quality of work. I’m back to Kripalu in August and I will spread my happiness around. –JL
I just followed a link to your web site and your Buddha Painting series. I am almost helpless to describe my reaction — they are so incredibly beautiful — but more than that. I am so happy to just look at these images tonight. Thank you. –CRJ
I just wanted to say that your work and website are absolutely compelling as well as beautiful. I am awestruck.- GW
Wow, I so enjoyed perusing your beautiful creations on your website. To say you’re incredibly gifted is like saying the sky is blue. While yes it’s true but that doesn’t even come close to the intricate delicacies found within and expressed in your art. Thank YOU! –PM

With a dog who joined our hike up to the rim of the extinct volcano, 9100 ft., Los Picachos, 11/19/2017.
These mountains are near my home in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Hiking the picturesque streets of San Miguel de Allende, May 3, 2019.